Cacao Tree

A walk-in grocery stores or canteen will have you notice the different brands of chocolate and cocoa on the counters and trolleys meant for customers. The sweet smell and flavors from chocolate and cocoa are what most people are attracted to.

However, many shoppers do not know that their favorite treat comes from a tree. Those with an idea barely know enough about this fantastic tree to scratch the surface.

This piece will give you insights and enlighten you on things you need to know about this magical tree.

1) Benefits Derived

The cacao tree has pods that are dried to produce cocoa beans. The beans produce cocoa butter and cocoa. The cocoa can be used in its raw version as unsweetened chocolate or mixed with other products to create an array of chocolates such as the white, dark, and milk chocolates. The fruits from the plant can also be eaten raw. However, don’t get it twisted; they do not taste like chocolate. The demand for chocolate has also created jobs and markets for many entrepreneurs, which has increased the growth in economies.

2) Types

Three different types of trees produce cacao. The commonly used trees are forastero as they are more resilient and more productive. The criollo group has the most expensive pods and quality cacao. They have bumpy skin and are less bitter compared to the rest. The trinitario seeds are minimal as they thrive in particular conditions, unlike the rest but are capable of producing flavorful chocolate.

3) Growth

This tree grows in tropical regions where the climatic conditions have high humidity and regular rainfall. The tree grows approximately 30 feet tall with leaves as long as twelve inches. They are planted together with other taller plants that form a canopy that protects them from direct sunlight. The soil should have proper drainage as it influences the cocoa flavors. These trees take up to 5 years to bear the cocoa fruits in their natural setting, but grafted trees take a shorter time. They produce white flowers and colored fruits that dry up to produce elongated pods.

4) Productivity

This tree can be around for a century, but it is only economical and productive half this time. The tree produces about 6000 flowers annually and sheds its leaves annually. The pollination process happens when the insects and animals carry the pollen grains around. Each pod has approximately 50 beans, and a tree can produce several thousand during its lifetime. The cacao is harvested twice a year using sharp blades.

5) Diseases and Pests

Just like other living species, these trees are affected by diseases and pests. The disorders cause pods and the plants to dry out. Others cause them to swell and rot. Nutritional deficiency diseases are also common in poor conditions. Diseases harbor growth and reduce productivity. To minimize the infection from spreading, farmers cut the sick pods and trees from the plantations. They also spray them with fungicides that contain copper and fungicides. They also clear out the excess vegetation to allow sunlight and reduce the humidity.

What does cacao butter do?

Cacao butter, also known as cocoa butter, is a natural fat extracted from cacao beans and is widely used in both the food and personal care industries. In food, particularly in chocolate production, cacao butter provides a smooth, creamy texture and helps chocolate melt in your mouth while remaining solid at room temperature.

It also serves as a flavor enhancer and is a popular ingredient in vegan and dairy-free products.

In skincare, cacao butter is renowned for its moisturizing and healing properties, making it a key ingredient in lotions, creams, and balms that help soothe dry skin, reduce the appearance of scars, and improve overall skin health. Its antioxidant content also provides anti-aging benefits.

In addition to skincare, cacao butter is used in hair care for conditioning, in massage products for its smooth texture and mild fragrance, and even in pharmaceuticals as a base for suppositories and topical ointments.

What is Cacahuatl?

Cacahuatl is a term from the Nahuatl language, spoken by the Aztecs and other indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica, which refers to a traditional drink made from cacao beans. The word cacahuatl is composed of “cacao,” meaning cacao (or cocoa) and “atl,” meaning water, so it roughly translates to “cacao water.”

This beverage was made by grinding cacao beans into a paste and mixing it with water, spices, and sometimes chili peppers, vanilla, or other flavorings. Unlike modern hot chocolate, cacahuatl was often consumed without sweeteners, resulting in a bitter, spiced drink that was highly prized in Mesoamerican cultures. It was considered sacred and was used in religious rituals, as well as being enjoyed by nobles and warriors. Cacao was also seen as a source of energy and nourishment.

Cacahuatl was the precursor to modern chocolate beverages and was a significant aspect of Aztec culture, symbolizing wealth and status, and sometimes even used as currency.