SEO Action Plan

Google is highly focused in leveraging the most of technology. These days, search engines started answering queries directly on result pages. On the other side, voice search is already on the rise. Hence, website operators are already in the doubt that it could adversely affect the optimization strategy. It has become very vital to adapt and identify these trends well for the marketers.

The internet has been vital for customers to search for services and products. It is very vital for marketers to build their online presence with a lot of customers online. It is not enough to start a website and do blogging. There is so much competition in the market. So, it is very vital to look for the SEO Company to come up with the right action plan.

SEO in Future 

The prediction for SEO is like a hurricane. We never know where SEO is going in 2020. Hence, it is not easy to create an effective SEO strategy in 2020. It’s the right time to acknowledge the strategies of last year as it was very positive for organic search. So, Google will keep refining its search algorithm to deliver the most relevant results to the users.

Here are some of the best SEO trends and practices to follow in 2020 – 

  • Featured Snippets 

You will experience great competition if you consider SERPs these days. On the other side, Google Adwords take a lot of space in search queries. You can place a varied form of snippets as per the search query in organic search results.

To those who don’t know, snippet is a micro-format of minute patterns of HTML. It signals SEO crawlers about your website’s details. In addition, these microformats are also categorized as List Snippets, Paragraph Snippets, and Table Snippets. They are usually operative units to have a big programming information.

The more details a search engine has about a website, the more flawlessly it can be ranked. Around 11.3% of SERPs come with featured snippets, as per the data from SEMRush. You should have an honest description to gain better rankings from search engines. Your content will look even more attractive to the users with snippets. As a result, you will have improved ROI, increased click and improved SEO.

Action Plan – It is not easy to design a rich snippet. But it can be made easier by using a plugin. You can add a snippet manually but it is not easy for beginners. You have to be more strategic as being visible in search results is not going to be easy in 2020. You can rank better with quality content.

  • Mobile Optimization 

Internet users are focusing more on their smartphone for searches. So, it makes more sense as smartphones can easily be carried around. People want to perform online search in public places. Luckily, 2020 is the year for mobile-first indexing only. If your site is more focused on mobile, you might lose out to a lot of mobile traffic. Google algorithm will index mobile-optimized content. This concept is relatively practical as it avoids broken links in indexing.

Action Plan – First of All, your site should be adaptive to desktop and mobile. To make it mobile-friendly, use responsive images to scale images. In addition, use easy to read, short Meta tags. Don’t use content-hiding pop-ups. Also avoid long content for higher ranking and better traffic.

Don’t use mobile for cloaking. You can get your content hooked to the top of mobile searches with well-structured data. You should get your website mobile-optimized in 2020.

  • Voice Search 

Around 50% of all searches are going to be voice based by the year 2020 as per the ComScore. Well, it is even higher than 50%. Around one-third of queries are searched on mobile devices via voice search. So, you should optimize your site content for voice search.

Action Plan – Despite having improvement in voice recognition, the results are still searched the old way. The difference being in the device a user has and the searcher. First of all, you have to rank your content higher in search engines. Google sources answers for voice searches from the results which are ranked top 3. In addition, you should add featured snippets.

Get the most of the latest features of snippets in Google. At least 4 of 10 search results come through featured snippets. Finally, you have to add question answers in the content. Most of the voice searches are based on queries. For instance, what is the best restaurant near me? How to cook macaroni? Google chooses the content with answers to their queries. So, you need to focus on long-tail keywords to optimize the content as customers engage well with search engines.

  • Page Speed 

The page optimization score really matters in 2020 for rankings. Make sure your site is easily accessible through all browsers. Online competition is going to be high in 2020. It takes only 10 seconds to load the page and the user won’t have a great experience. Focus on reducing HTTP requests for various page segments, such as CSS, images, scripts etc. Page response is the easiest way to check performance of your website.

  • Content is the Way

Most digital marketers are in favor of content marketing strategy. So, it is very vital to craft an engaging and quality content. It also improves brand image. 2020 will be the same for search rankings in terms of content. Creating content will always be the important SEO strategy. Algorithms have been evolved in 2020 and content should still determine the relevance of web pages. You need to prioritize latest topics, identify opportunities, maintain existing content, and do internal linking to drive conversions.

Bottom Line 

All in all, you need to update content from time to time to keep them unique and valuable. Test your content before investing. Also avoid keyword stuffing as it will do more harm to your content marketing strategy than good. SEO trends will be more focused on improving content experiences in 2020. Backlinks and keyword relevance will be the main strategy.

Author Bio :

Just SEO is the leading SEO Company Auckland, NZ, which offers guaranteed results to make your site appear on the first page. They also provide an SEO audit before they show up with the right strategy for your business.