The SCOAN – Church of All Nations

The SCOAN (Synagogue Church of All Nations) is headed by visionary Prophet TB Joshua. It started as a small church in the back streets of Lagos, Nigeria, with a strong vision of unity and inclusion. The Prophet is now known and respected all over the world for his determined focus towards spreading the word of the Lord, leading people to salvation.
TB Joshua is a man with a dream, which was the dream of direction. People didn’t understand or even believe in his dream, but the Prophet felt the Lord had spoken to him, and continued on the path regardless. He believed that the voice of the Lord was the supreme guidance, and took precedence over criticisms, advice, and opinions of anyone else.
Uniquely, TB Joshua felt that the Lord spoke to him through the mind and that it is natural for this to be something different and unique. In fact, he cites passages from the Book of Matthew in which this is supported. In Matthew, it is said that only those who do things they didn’t do before, will be able to have that what they didn’t have before.
Why SCOAN Is a Synagogue
Many people wonder why SCOAN is classed as a synagogue. TB Joshua reminds people that, in the Bible, it is said that Jesus worked in the Synagogue to do his work. Hence, this needs to continue today. It is the synagogue that the Son of the Lord is able to provide healing and salvation. Jesus Christ is endless and timeless, which means a synagogue is the only right place to continue this work from.
For Prophet Joshua, people are encouraged to move on the way Jesus did, just as he does himself. This is shown in the construction of the SCOAN building, which was created originally on the outskirts of Lagos, in Ikotun-Egbe, where it instantly started to attract people who witness many miracles. Further confirmation of this righteous work, in the eyes of TB Joshua, was that the synagogue came under attack. He felt this was Satan taking an interest. However, Satan could not do the damage he wanted, as the Synagogue was under the protection of the Lord. Indeed, since then, thousands of people have continued to attend the SCOAN, filling its rooms for every sermon.
For the Prophet, this is proof if Isaiah, in which it is said that many people will come to the house of the Lord to be shown the way, enabling them to walk the righteous path. More and more people have become aware of SCOAN and the work that is done there, and people of every creed, culture, and color started to attend, wanting to see the miracle work completed in the now aptly named “Church of All Nations”. As explained in the Book of Hebrews, no reason to doubt the work of the Lord exists, as He has an unlimited amount of deliverance, blessing, and healing. This work is now so widespread that the sermons at SCOAN are watched by millions the world over.
Many people who have been attending Bellevue Christian Church ever since it was established can attest how it has transformed their lives.
Many may have been living in constant sins without a true purpose, but they have found hope. They now know Christ and are no longer living in self-doubt, anxiety, a life of sin, or depression.
It has become easy and fulfilling to meet God through the scripture and the incredible and genuine people of Christ in the church.
Indeed, there is a lot that the church offers to people from all walks of life.