Maintenance Tips for Lead-Acid Solar Battery

The main components of a simple solar power system include the solar panels, the inverter, and the battery. All these components play a significant role in ensuring that you can harness the power of the sun.
We very well know that the panels are responsible for gathering solar energy; however, this energy cannot be used without an inverter. Therefore, the inverter converts the collected energy into electricity that can be used in the building. You can go to Solargraf to learn more about inverters and how they work.
Batteries which are the last component might not be so essential as far as the process of gathering and converting solar energy into usable energy is concerned. Nevertheless, they play a vital role in ensuring that you aren’t without power when the sun fails to shine. With an effective battery software solution, you can monitor the health and performance of your solar battery and optimize its usage by storing excess energy and using them on rainy days.
There are different types of solar batteries and some of them do not require maintenance while others require a little bit of maintenance. If you chose lead-acid accumulators as your energy bank, you will have to carry out certain maintenance tasks from time to time to ensure that the unit reaches its expected lifespan.
Therefore, in this article, we will provide you with some maintenance tips that will help you take care of your accumulator to prevent it from an untimely demise.
Reduce Battery Count – Tip #1
More is not always better. This is true when it comes to the number of units that should serve as solar power storage. We know how tempting it can be to have so many batteries connected to increase the overall storage capacity. However, you should avoid this temptation.
While connecting different energy banks might look like a good idea on the surface, the additional connections will lead to a circuit resistance increase. This in turn can cause the banks to charge unevenly thereby preventing uniform equalization. Visit to learn more about battery equalization.
So, how many is enough you might ask? Well, you shouldn’t have a storage bank that can last for over 5 days; 5 days should be the limit. Hence, if your current bank can last for more than 5 days, it means you need to reduce the battery count.
Routinely Rotate the Batteries – Tip #2
The position of your batteries within the connection circuit should not be fixed. You are required to rotate their positions from time to time. This is necessary to ensure they last as long as they should. Rotating the accumulators on a routine basis will ensure that the likelihood that uneven charging occurs will be reduced.
Ensure the Batteries are charged – Tip #3
One simple way to reduce the lifespan of your energy bank is to leave it uncharged for a while. Therefore, if you don’t intend to reduce the lifespan of the accumulator, ensure that it (they) are always charged. Not only will you ensure their longevity, but you will also ensure their efficiency.
Ensure that the batteries are connected always to the charging source. Also, do not forget to rotate them as we said in the tip above. Rotation will ensure that constant charging will not damage the banks.
Top of Batteries with Distilled Water – Tip #4
A good number of the cells of these accumulators need water for them to function optimally. Although some use exclusive electrolyte solutions or filler formulations, distilled water remains the best liquid you can use to refill your lead-acid batteries.
What most folks don’t know is that adding other types of liquid might not only reduce the lifespan of the power unit but also damage it. Therefore, you should only use distilled water when topping off. Check this article to find out other uses of distilled water.
Ventilate – Tip #5
Lead-acid batteries are known to carry out what is known as boiling or gassing when they are almost fully charged. This phenomenon is normal and essential for battery health. In fact, it ought to take place every day.
When this happens, water and hydrogen gas are given out as byproducts. As a result of these, you have to ventilate the storage bank. Therefore, the space where you keep the accumulators must be well ventilated to prevent the hydrogen gas from becoming dangerous.
Lead-acid solar batteries require constant maintenance to ensure that they function optimally and last long. Therefore, the article above has provided you with 5 maintenance tips that will ensure that your storage units reach their expected lifespan.