Guest Post – How to Prepare Your Backyard Swimming Pool for the Summer

Even though some are still snowed in, many people are slowly starting to think about the upcoming warm seasons. They are getting ready for the spring and the summer to follow. One of the main things about these two seasons is that we get to make a full use of our backyards and get back to one of the favorite summer activities, swimming. Before you jump in, you need to get the pool ready. While you can have someone do that for you, there is no real need, as it only involves several easy steps.
Clean the surrounding area
Before you take the cover from your pool, clean your backyard to make sure no debris gets in it. Do everything required during the spring. Rake any leftover leaves, move your lawn. Apply all the required treatments to keep it healthy and prevent any of the chemicals or other materials used from getting in the pool. Sweep the patio and the paved area around the pool.
Removing the cover
Before the very moment of removing the cover, make sure that there is no debris left on it. Use a blower to get it off the cover and then clean the area around the pool again. If there is any standing water on the cover, probably from rainfall or snow, use a pump to remove it. Once everything is cleared off the surface of the cover, you can start removing it. Move the furniture from your patio and lay the cover there, spread it entirely and pressure-wash it. Leave it there to dry. Since the cover will probably be away for some time (hopefully), sprinkle it with talcum powder before you fold it. Talcum powder will ensure it does not stick while folded and stored away. If possible, find a cool place to store it, perhaps the temperature in the basement is low enough.
Clean the pump
Before you start cleaning the pump, check the water level. You need the water level to be halfway up the skimmer opening to get proper circulation and make sure that the pump had basic conditions met to function properly. If the water is below that level, fill the pool. Once that is done you can inspect the elements of the pump using the instructions manual that came with it. Make sure that the water flow through the filter is satisfying, as well as, the water flow through the jets. If this is not the case, look at the pressure on the sand filter, it may require backwashing. Take a note for the rest of the season that backwashing the filters to often may result in damaging them, so only act based on instruction provided. Remove any white-scale from the salt chlorinator with a mix of hydrochloric acid. Leave the pump on for about 8-12 hours.
Clean the pool
Use the skimming net to remove the debris which actually managed to sneak its way into the pool. You know this yourself, you need to do it every day for the rest of the season. Once that is done, use a brush to clean the sides of your pool. While you are at it, you can inspect and clean elements such as a ladder, a slide or a diving board if you have one. Make sure all the bolts are tight. In order to manage to reach the entire area, attach the brush to the same telescopic pole you used for the skimming net. Once the sides are clean, you can proceed to the floor. Use a pool vacuum to clean the floor. If you do not have one and you had your pool cleaned professionally, buying one may save you some money in the long run. They can be automatic and manual. While they all have their advantages and their flaws, a manual cleaner is cheaper. Add the chlorine tablets or pool shock liquid to sanitize the pool.
Test the pH levels
After you have let the pump to work for the 8 to 12 hours as stated above, it is time to check the chemicals in the water. The Chemicals are used to keep the pool water clean, however, their levels can be affected by weather and everything else that gets in the pool, including you. Test the pH levels and this is something you should from now on do three or four times of week to make sure the water is not compromised. The level should be 7.2 – 7.6. If it is too low, use a pH increaser, and if it is too high, use a pH reducer. Regardless of the pH tester, you have decided to use, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
A way you could add a fresh spark to your pool is by adding accessories for unique mood and experience. A LED lighting consultants, I have had a chance of consulting, advises that there is a great request for pool lights on the market, throughout the whole year, particularly during springtime when everyone is taking their final steps to get ready for summer. Apart from the lights, you could add to the sides and the bottom of the pool, in all shapes and colors, you can add a fountain, a bar, as well as, some safety equipment.
With taking all the right steps to make the pool clean and perfect for the season, all you are left with is to make sure it stays that way. You can do this by cleaning it regularly. In order to make sure that the experience is enjoyable, check that you have all the necessary poolside equipment and props. You should have a fully-stocked first aid kit within your reach. Perhaps this year you could use an extra safety measure and make sure that the area around the pool is not slippery by adding some anti-slip tape. Once you have taken care of the safety of your clean pool, you can finally truly relax and dive in.