Does Old Fashioned Marketing Still Have a Place: 5 Techniques you Should Use

In the age of digital marketing, there is a lot of talk about the direction marketing is going in, and how those that don’t jump on board are going to be left behind. But is that truly the case?
Sure, marketing has taken significant steps in the last decade, and digital marketing techniques have proved to be highly effective and yield an incredible return on investment. For instance, social media marketing allows you to advertise only to the demographics who are most likely to purchase the goods you sell or services you provide.
But is it true that traditional marketing is the way of the past? Or is there still a place in this world for the tried-and-true methods that have worked since the dawn of the technological revolution? We say yes, and here are some marketing techniques that still prove profitable, even in the midst of the digital revolution.
Direct Mail
A strategy that was once dead and buried has seen an astounding comeback, and this time with an even higher response rate, to the tune of being 7% more likely to generate a response than all the digital strategies combined. But how is this even possible? How can something so archaic and obsolete have such high response rates? The answer lies in technology.
Now that every business is utilizing digital marketing, mailboxes (of the electronic variety) are becoming progressively more cluttered; while inboxes (of the physical sort) are becoming less cluttered. Gone are the days of half your trash bin being filled with junk mail, which means people are more likely to take a look at your advertisements when they end up in their mailbox.
Furthermore, the way data is tracked now allows us to be far more selective on who we send direct mail to, significantly cutting the cost of what is an already fairly expensive marketing method.
With an overall response rate of 43% and an ROI of 29% (3rd behind email and social media), it’s no wonder why this marketing strategy is making a comeback. When delivering to a highly targeted demographic, direct mail can be well worth your time, and money.
Signs and Banners
Signs and banners will never go out of style; they’re just far too versatile of a tool. Signs are great because they provide curb appeal, they’re less invasive to people’s everyday lives, and they offer an excellent return on investment. Signs can showcase the artistry and creativity of a firm. They draw attention to whatever it is you need the attention drawn too, and best of all, they are inexpensive and can be reused as many times as you need to.
A good sign will attract eyeballs to your store, acting as inanimate sales reps, silently coaxing potential customers to come try out the services you offer; and that’s awesome. But a great sign is memorable; it etches itself in the brains of everyone who dares gaze upon it. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to come up with an epic sign, and thankfully there are companies out there whose business is to provide you with ‘A-1’ signage that has you standing above the competition.
Promotional Items
A strategy as old as time, and still sure to get people to come through your door. To be fair promotional items are used in both digital, and traditional marketing, but I still consider it to be a conventional strategy. It’s a proven method that has gotten me more returning customers and clients than I can even guess.
Promotional products work because they give customers something tangible that they can walk away with. Think about how good you feel when you unexpectedly get a free tote from Publix after shopping for groceries. Companies like Starbucks use this strategy flawlessly by managing to market their reusable cups a high-valued item. And it all but guarantees people will buy from them when they are giving the cups away.
There’s nothing like getting out there on foot and meeting people face to face. It allows you to truly connect with people in your local area.
Attend local events that are related to your industry, mingle with the people there and show the enthusiasm you have for what you do. It will catch peoples attention, and once you make an impression, they will remember your name.
Radio Spots
They say radio is dead, but the analytics don’t agree. According to, a 2018 study showed that every dollar you spend on radio advertising nets you $12 in sales. Talk about return on investment.
Radio spots also help to get your name out to your community, and studies show that consumers like to support their local economy by purchasing locally. Even better, listeners already trust the radio hosts who are reading the ads, so they are even more likely to call your number when they need the good or service that you provide.
To conclude: Even in the age of digital marketing, traditional marketing is still very much alive. Of course, the best marketing strategies incorporate both traditional and digital aspects, so don’t stick to just one.
What are some other traditional marketing strategies that you use?
Author Bio: Lara Douglas is a young woman who loves interior designing and home decor. She is passionate about new trends and fashion forward home decor ideas. She regularly posts at Neon Signs Depot.