Looking for the Most Effective Brand Promotion Tools Out There? Try Hats, Caps, and Beanies

Using giveaways as brand promotion tools is one of the most effective marketing strategies out there. You’ve probably experimented with t-shirts, drinking cups and tumblers, and maybe even, reusable bottles. It’s now time to try the simple and highly visible hat. Should you check online stores like RushOrderTees, you’ll find an interesting range of options such as baseball caps and trucker hats for all weathers. You could also look at visors and bandanas for sunny days or beanies for cold winters.
Hand them out to your employees when they’ve gathered for a company team-building event or to visitors checking out your booth at a trade fair. You can also give them out as free gifts to customers who purchase products from your company. Supply a stock to the store that carries your products and surprise shoppers with a trendy cap emblazoned with a smart logo, slogan, or meme. If your budget allows it, you can also get a celebrity to sport the cap at a public event and watch how quickly the hats go viral with everyone wanting to wear one.
But, Do Hats Really Work as Brand Promotion Tools and Techniques?
You’d be surprised! Check out some of these statistics on SlideShare that explain just how customers and viewers are likely to react to your hats. Here goes:
- At least 41% of shoppers own a brand promotion cap.
- Whether casual visitors or B2B browsers, 83% of recipients of caps will want to do business with your company.
- If your hat, cap, or beanie looks smart and trendy enough, at least 42% of the people who receive your caps will wear them regularly.
- By giving out caps and hats, you can ensure that around 85% of the people will remember your brand and where they got the gifts.
- Hats are possibly the most long-lasting of apparel with most of them lasting at least 7 months.
Are you convinced yet? Hats ARE excellent brand promotion tools.
Hats Act as Mobile Billboards Attracting Attention
Every time a wearer steps out with the hat, he will advertise your company and logo. Whether he visits a grocery store, goes shopping at the local mall, or stops by at the diner, the eye-catching logo will most definitely create an indelible impression that will remain with viewers. Keep in mind that shoppers are more likely to buy products belonging to a brand or company that they are familiar with. So, if they have been seeing your logo being sported by people on the street, they may find it easier to trust the brand. Further, wearable giveaways have a higher probability of creating lasting impressions as compared to any other kinds of gifts and brand promotion tools.
Hats Help Build Teams and Connect People
Handing out hats carrying the company mascot or emblem to your company employees helps in team building exercises. You can consider ordering special hats to gift to a group working in a specific project. Wearing the same hats builds a sense of camaraderie and helps individuals build close connections. Simple exercises like these may ensure the success of the project. Like this article on the Forbes magazine explains, your staff will sport the hats proudly to broadcast their belonging to your company not just at in-house but also at casual or informal events that they attend with family members and friends.
Here’s another idea. Do you stock products in a large mall or shopping center? The hats with logos will make it easier for potential customers to identify salespersons and contact them with questions about the company and its products. You can also order hats with themes designed around say, the Holiday season or maybe, Thanksgiving.
Hats Encourage Brand Loyalty
When you present hats to customers buying your products, you’ll not only make them happy, but you also build brand loyalty. Whether they are shoppers trying your products for the first time or regulars, your hats can make sure that they will always choose your products above all competing brands. An additional advantage of this brand promotion tool is that when you release new products, you will be targeting an existing market that has used the company products and are open to trying out new offerings. Giveaways can also act as appreciation for the continued business you get from your customers as explained by Small Biz Trends.
Hats Can Advertise Company Ethos
When placing orders for hats, you can choose to have the company logo imprinted on the hats. Talking about the culture and what the brand is all about is another interesting idea. Like, for instance, the hat can tell viewers that you care about the environment and believe in green practices. Such themes are always sure-fire winners.
Alternatively, you can add the slogan or a special theme that is a part of your advertising campaign for a new product. Allow the hat to focus on a meme that piques interest and impresses viewers to find out more about the company. A good hat designing agency may help you with ideas about how to incorporate contact information on the fabric. These details can be strategically placed for easy visibility or on the inside.
Using Hats as Brand Promotion Tools at Local Events
Most cities, counties, or even communities often organize fairs and events to commemorate a certain day or festival. For instance, a community could be organizing a blood donation drive. Show your support for their cause by making a donation and giving away hats carrying a message about the importance of donating blood. Add your company logo so attendees at the event begin to recognize your brand. Of course, it helps to target events that are somehow connected with the products you sell. To go with the earlier example, if you market medical supplies, a blood drive would be the perfect venue for brand promotion tools. For a better view of how hats can work, check out this feature on the Dayton Daily News where different companies give away gifts at a sporting event.
A simple, unassuming piece of apparel can prove to be a potent marketing tool. Order a batch, give them out, and watch them turn everyday folk into brand ambassadors for your company.