Toilet Seat

When it comes right down to toilet use, one can not overstate the need for a top-quality toilet seat. A toilet seat determines the level of comfort and hygiene that comes with one’s experience in the toilet. Having an uncomfortable toilet seat can be discomforting to a bathroom user, as there can be outcomes of skin irritation, bruises, or a serious ailment. Having a bruise can increase one’s discomfort that is encountered in the use of a toilet seat; one would be forced to hover around the seat to avoid skin contact. This makes it ideal to make the right choice when selecting a toilet seat. It is important to note that not all toilets are shipped with seats. This gives you an unlimited range of top-notch seats you can select to not just suit your body but also your home.

Factors That Make Your Toilet Seat Important

The Comfort Of A Toilet Seat:

The first thing you should have in mind when it boils down to having a toilet seat is comfort. There are many available toilet seats that are plush as pillows, but durable as ceramic. They provide a comfortable overlay that cushions your legs and backsides when you sit on them.  Not many people may be fully acquainted with these quality items as compared to the memory foam obsession in other industries. Nevertheless, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Surprisingly, soft toilet seats do not have a high selling trend as compared to their hard counterparts. Most homes are equipped with hard-like toilet seats such as wood. These types of seats can be an acquired taste, most especially when one spends long periods on them. They have more upsides than downsides, and it is interesting watching them stand toe to toe.

Toilet Seat Maintenance:

The downside to soft toilet seats is that they are hard to clean, as compared to hard toilet seats. The reason is that most of them come with little pores to breathe when one sits on them. These pores easily store dirt and oil derived from the skin. When not properly maintained, they can become camping grounds for bacteria. Also, users that are prone to sweating find maintaining soft toilet seats difficult, which in most cases leads to wear and tear. Such seats can also harbor permanent stains with less cleaning options for the user. However, you can avoid this by purchasing top-quality soft toilet seats. Avoid generic brands as some of them are not guaranteed to give you the best toilet experience.

Types Of Toilet Seats

Starting with the hard type of toilet seats, you are being provided the choice to select between the plastic and wood toilet seats. One of the best and least expensive toilet seats you can get is the plastic seat. Additionally, this type of seat is easy to clean. However, they are least durable as they get worn out with heavy usage over time. It is ideal to change them once they get scratches and cracks, as these can easily accommodate bacteria.

Wood toilet seats are well-known and awesome due to the level of durability and comfort they provide in all weather conditions. They have a warmer feel but are more expensive and rare to come by. These seats make maintenance easy and do not retain bacteria.

Finally, there are soft toilet seats which offer the most comforting experience. However, they are most prone to bacteria. In terms of price, they are not as expensive as wood toilet seats. Nevertheless, when opting for the top-tier products, they can be more expensive than other toilet seat types.

To find out more about available toilets seats that are suitable for your toilet needs, please check out our list here: unusual designed toilet seats